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Quartet Miotsukushi /



大岡仁、東珠子 (ヴァイオリン)

牧野葵美 (ヴィオラ)

佐藤響 (チェロ)

Hitoshi Ooka, Tamako Azuma (Vn)

Kimi Makino (Va)

​Hibiki Sato (Vc)



In 2006, Quartet Miotsukushi was formed by Hitoshi (Vn) and Kimi (Va) from Soai university in Osaka and Tamako (Vn) and Hibiki (Vc) from Kyoto Art university in Kyoto. We performed together 3 years, and participated in many projects among them "Project Q" by TV MAN music division and masterclasses in Viola Space.

In 2009, we stopped playing because most of us decided to study abroad in the different places. Hitoshi went to Germany, Tamako left for France, Kimi went to Switzerland and Hibiki stayed in Japan.

After a decade from being away, we restarted playing because simply all of us wanted to make music together.

The name "Miotsukushi" means a post which shows a direction in the sea, Osaka in the Edo period (1603-1867). We wished to have a clear direction with this name when we started, however now it also means our root since all of us live in the different countries.

Mozart String quartet No.18 in A major Kv.464

24.08.2019 Kyoto Aoyama Barocksaal

Mendelssohn : String Quartet No.2 in a minor op.13 − 2mov

24.08.2019 Kyoto Aoyama Barocksaal

Mendelssohn : String Quartet No.2 in a minor op.13 − 4mov

24.08.2019 Kyoto Aoyama Barocksaal

Mendelssohn : String Quartet No.2 in a minor op.13 − 1mov

24.08.2019 Kyoto Aoyama Barocksaal

Mendelssohn : String Quartet No.2 in a minor op.13 − 3mov

24.08.2019 Kyoto Aoyama Barocksaal

Stravinsky : Concertino pour quatuor a cordes

24.08.2019 Kyoto Aoyama Barocksaal

Kimi Makino, 牧野葵美 Violist

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